I hope to look out for the interests of mature students, students who have children and families, those who's first language is not English (or Irish for that matter), students practicing different faiths and religions and very importantly political affiliation.
I think it is very important that no one is judged by their political association and this is the sort of inequality that is very commonly accepted, especially in colleges and other similar institutions.
Socio-economic inequality concerns me greatly. I am an active member of FEE Galway (Free Education for Everyone) I believe tha this is a very important movement that to me, represents an idea that all education and access to information should be available to everyone regardless of socio-economic or any other factor.
I believe very strongly in the freedom of access to information and education and I have fought long and hard on many fronts over many years to protect it.
My main weapon is music. I believe very srtongly that there is nothing on this planet that unites people more than music, it permeates out social cultues and does so across the world in many manifestations.
I aim to promote a diversity of music on campus to celebrate Equality and am aiming to have lots of live music on campus for Equality week which starts in October.
I also plan, in a way, to radicalise the union somewhat.
I believe that as an organisation representing students there are many local, national and international issues that greatly affect young people that both the SU her ein Galway and the USI really should at the very least have a stance on. At the moment both institutions seem to shy away from allignment with any cause but I plan to do a lot to change this.
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