Well now, it seems like a bit of Labour liars pants on fires this year. We have MInister of Education Ruairi Quinn signing a pledge last years with the USI stating that there would be no rise in registrations fees (already a stealth tax on students) and a rule out of the re-introduction of third level tuition fees.
Here we are only a few months down the line and he has already made a completel U-turn on this pledge, (after being elected of course) and announced a further rise in the registration fee, which was bumped up by €500 already last year.
This worries me greatly, it will put a lot of young people off the political system here, if for the first time the voted, it was on a single issue and were blatently lied to, who can blame the youth of today from becoming alienated from politics?
This is a dangerous precedent, if politicians think they can lie to our faces with such audacity and think they can get away with it they are very, very wrong.
I can see a huge surge in student activism and protests this year, we need it.
We cannot allow our governments to target our futures and out educations to pay off private bank debts that out generations never benefitted from in the first place!
It's disgusting. The Labout Party have earned a large portion of my attention for this year, pity for them.
Have fired of a letter to Ruairi Quinn today and another similar one to Derek Nolan, local Labour TD who won a lot of votes here in NUIG for his pro-free education statements republished in the form of election information posters made by FEE Galway.
Let the games begin.
Dear Sir
It is with great regret that I write to you to express my extreme dissatisfaction with your recent announcement on the imminent rise in the third level registration fee.
This is highly unfair to young people and targets those self financing their studies and those from lower income families and is a disgraceful action for a supposed Labour minister who very publically signed a pledge with the USI promising not to bring in any hikes in either registration fee or the reintroduction of fees in any way.
This move, I can promise you will be one that you yourself and your party will deeply regret. Young people, particularly students are becoming more and more alienated and radicalised and this unfair stealth tax targeting students may very well be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
I highly recommend you reconsider this plan to increase student fees of any kind.
Young people are the last people who are responsible for the economic crisis facing this country and should be the last people to be penalised.
It is also clear that new ideas, methods and technologies are out best bet to bring Ireland to becoming a profitable and sustainable country once again and it is only through Education and investment in education that we will progress.
Put shortly, yours and the Labour party’s barefaced lies to the youth of Ireland will not go unpunished and unchallenged. Already across the country student unions and the USI are mounting a defensive over this issue and I can promise you it will not be forgotten any time soon.
Yours sincerely
Will O'Brien BSc
Hopes that puts the shits up em :)
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